VRCosplayX 당신이 당신의 무기를 처리하는 방식은 스타워즈 XXX에 젖어 테일러 샌즈
111,012 98%
Greetings on this Fourth of July! As usual, Taylor Sands is managing to get away from the First Order, and someone needs to hold her hand. With the help of FN-069., the TIE fighter pilot, the powers of darkness have tracked this valiant warrior all the way to Jakkuoff. Similar to other stormfuckers, he frequently lacks experience and, minutes after touching down on the planet's surface, wrecks his car in a desert. When the stormfucker exits and goes after her, guess who is there to meet him? You take out a blaster and take out FN-069. Your carelessness has made Taylor wetter than a swamp in the Dagobah system, and as a thank you, she's going to suck you dry. We've got a good feeling about this, and this babe is about to suck and fuck the power right out of you!